
Welcome to the web site of Red Maple Grove, a community of ADF druids dwelling in the area of Ottawa, Ontario and Gatineau, Quebec. Red Maple Grove has been offering open, public rituals to the Pagan community since Midsummer 1999. As a member grove of Ár nDraoícht Féin, North America’s largest Druid organization, we are committed to presenting Indo-European traditional spirituality to those living in the 21st Century. Our main traditions are Celtic and Norse, and those of other traditions are welcome to join us. Recently, we have also held some rituals in Slavic style. Our New Moon Healing ritual will be held at 3 pm on Wednesday, October 2nd at Dundonald Park (Somerset and Bay at the tables). If this does not match your availability and you want to come to a Red Maple Grove New Moon Healing ritual, don’t hesitate to let us know what timing and location will make it easier for you to come. Touch wood, we just may be able to hold one better matching your availability. Please, if you send a request to join our Facebook group, let us know you’re for real. Send me a message introducing yourself, saying that you really are interested in druid/pagan matters and are sending a request to join the Red Maple Grove Facebook group. Thanks.

We have also been holding in person informal druid conversations. We invite people interested to let us know when and where best works for them.

We have done various activities to benefit the wider community, have conducted public discussions on druid and pagan themes, and have run classes teaching the ADF Dedicant’s Program (introductory druid study).

We have four Facebook pages in English: our main Red Maple Grove one, one specifically for our members, one for text conversations and one for discussing health and healing. We also have our French language Facebook page, Bosquet des Erables Rouges. And we have a Discord server. If you’re interested, you are very welcome to come and check us out.

Our bylaws are here.

If you’d like to get in touch with us, check this site’s Contact page.

Thrive !